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If installed with Brew, the "examples" directory is at /usr/local/share/awscli/examples.

Command reference:

V1 reference:

Use --dry-run to check if you have the required permissions.


Use CloudShell which is automatically configured with your credentials. This video shows many things you can do on it

AWS CLI Builder -

Command structure

aws <command> <subcommand> [options and parameters]. Eg aws s3 ls.


Use tab to auto-complete commands, parameters and options - see how to use it at

It uses the tool aws_completer. Check it's location with which aws_completer (I got /usr/local/bin/aws_completer).

If the CLI is installed with Brew, auto-completion should work with no extra configuration. To verify that it works write aws s and press tab. You should get a list of commands like 's3 s3api s3control...'. If it doesn't work, you need to configure it - see how at It seems that you need to add complete -C '/usr/local/bin/aws_completer' aws to .zshrc. The book 'AWS for System Administrators' also explains this (page 9).

Don't use the root user

do not use the AWS account root user access keys for any task where it's not required. Instead, create a new administrator IAM user with access keys for yourself source

Best practices for managing AWS access keys

  • Remove (or don't generate) an account access key
  • Use temporary security credentials (IAM roles) instead of long-term access keys

Create Access keys using the web console

  • Go to the IAM console → Users and select your Admin user (not the root user).
  • Click the 'Security credentials' tab.
  • Scroll down to 'Access keys'.
  • Click 'Create access key'.
  • Select 'Command Line Interface (CLI)'.
  • Check 'I understand the above recommendation and want to proceed to create an access key'.
  • Click 'Next'.
  • On the 'Set description tag' set a tag like 'MBP2016'.
  • Click 'Create access key'.

Once the access key is shown on the 'Retrieve access keys' page, on the terminal run aws configure.

  • Paste the 'Access Key ID' and then the 'Secret Access Key' from the website.
  • Set 'Default region name' to us-east-1, eu-west-3 or else.
  • Leave 'Default output format' to 'json'.

Doing aws s3 ls should give a response (will be empty if there are no buckets, but no credentials error will appear).

Access keys configuration


aws_access_key_id = XYZ
aws_secret_access_key = ABC


region = eu-west-3
output = json

Comments are written with #.

aws configure help

aws configure is the fastest way to set up your AWS CLI installation. It will ask for the 'Access Key ID' and the 'Secret Access Key'.

aws sts get-caller-identity → Returns details about the IAM user or role whose credentials are used to call the operation - docs. You can do aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text to get only the account ID.

aws configure list-profiles

aws configure list

aws configure list --profile <profile-name>

Configure: aws configure --profile <profile-name> → Asks for AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name and Default output format.

You can create access keys for a user with: aws iam create-access-key --user-name MyUser

Set value: aws configure set <varname> <value> [--profile profile-name], eg aws configure set region us-east-1 --profile default

Multiple accounts

Important: on the config file we need to add "profile" ([profile user1]), but not on credentials.

Filtering AWS CLI output

Use --query <key> to select. See for how to query.

Use --output text/json/yaml/yaml-stream to change the output format.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'docutils'

To fix it run brew reinstall docutils. Solution from