VSCode plugin 'Expo Tools': https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=expo.vscode-expo-tools
Run npx expo-doctor@latest
to validate various things like dependencies version compatibility
Why did your app crash? How to use Logcat & macOS Console to debug - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvCci4Bwmpc
React Conf app - https://github.com/expo/react-conf-app
Sample code
Keyboard shortcuts
After doing npx expo start
, you can use the keys (r
, i
, a
...) listed table at https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/#develop
Show developer menu
- Android device or emulator
- Press Cmd/Ctrl + M
- Shake your device ????
- Run
adb shell input keyevent 82
oradb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_MENU
- iOS simulator
- Cmd + D
- Cmd + Ctrl + Z (shake your device). You can also do Device → Shake
app.json / app.config.js / app.config.ts
Configuration with app.json / app.config.js: https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/configuration/
Properties: https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/config/app/
View the resulting app.config.ts
npx expo config
npx expo config --full
npx expo config --type public
npx expo config --type prebuild
npx expo config --type introspect
See the docs for more info on config types: https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/#config
Info.plist can also be modified with a config plugin: https://docs.expo.dev/guides/config-plugins/#modifying-the-infoplist
"expo": {
"ios": {
"infoPlist": {
"LSApplicationQueriesSchemes": ["comgooglemaps"],
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "This app uses the camera to scan barcodes on event tickets.",
"CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations": true,
"ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption": false
Docs: https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli
List commands: npx expo --help
or npx expo -h
From https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/#highlights
- Start a server for developing your app:
npx expo start
. - Generate the native Android and iOS directories for your project:
npx expo prebuild
. See the Prebuild documentation for more. Tip: use--clean
to delete any existing native directories before generating. - Build and run the native apps locally:
npx expo run:ios
andnpx expo run:android
.- Important:
expo run
also generates the native projects if they don't exist yet: if your project does not have anios
directory in the root of your project, thennpx expo run:ios
will first runnpx expo prebuild -p ios
before compiling your app
- Important:
- Install and update packages that work with the version of react-native in your project:
npx expo install package-name
. npx expo
can be used withnpx react-native
Local CLI (introduced in SDK 46)
- New local CLI for SDK >= 46: https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli
- Old, deprecated, global CLI for SDK < 46: https://docs.expo.dev/archived/expo-cli
SDK 46 (released August 2022) removes the global npm install expo-cli
The New Expo CLI (2022-08) - https://blog.expo.dev/the-new-expo-cli-f4250d8e3421
- A new “Local Expo CLI” replaces the “Global Expo CLI”
- In the new Local Expo CLI,
expo eject
is no longer available, it’s been fully replaced bynpx expo prebuild
Beta: Local Expo CLI (2022-04) - https://blog.expo.dev/new-versioned-expo-cli-cf6e10632656
Use npx expo install
instead of yarn add
/npm install
because it picks the library versions compatible with the Expo SDK
npx expo install expo-camera
See https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/#install
From https://docs.expo.dev/bare/using-expo-client/#prefer--expo-install--over-
expo install
overnpm install
to add Expo SDK packages This will ensure that you get a version of the package that is compatible with the SDK version in your app. If you use npm install directly instead, you may end up with a newer version of the package that isn't supported in Expo Go yet.
This is also explained at https://reactnavigation.org/docs/getting-started#installing-dependencies-into-an-expo-managed-project
Create new app/project
Note that we can use either create-expo
or create-expo-app
See https://docs.expo.dev/get-started/create-a-project/
npx create-expo-app@latest my-app
npx create-expo-app@latest --template expo-template-blank-typescript
See all options with npx create-expo --help
To pick a specific SDK version use:
npx create-expo@latest --template https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/sdk-49/templates/expo-template-blank-typescript
Available templates: https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/main/templates
Use TypeScript: https://docs.expo.dev/guides/typescript/
Old, using expo init
Validate package versions compatibility and install compatible versions
Important: you can also use npx expo-doctor@latest
which runs many other checks.
Docs: https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/#install
npx expo install --check # Check which installed packages need to be updated
npx expo install --fix # Automatically update any invalid package versions
You can check/fix specific packages, eg npx expo install expo-camera --check
Eg doing npx expo install --check
will output:
Some dependencies are incompatible with the installed expo version:
@react-native-community/slider@4.4.3 - expected version: 4.4.2
Your project may not work correctly until you install the correct versions of the packages.
Install individual packages by running npx expo install @react-native-community/slider@4.4.2
✔ Fix dependencies? (Y/n)
Shift+i allows you to choose in which simulator to run the app on
Source: https://github.com/expo/expo-cli/issues/2413#issuecomment-969098866
Expo Dev Client / Development builds / Custom Development Clients
Docs: https://docs.expo.dev/develop/development-builds/introduction
Replaces Expo Go, which contains a fixed collection of native modules and does not allow custom native code.
Expo Go is not recommended for building production-quality apps — use development builds instead. source
When your project requires custom native code, a config plugin, a custom runtime version, or a reduced bundle size of the app, you can transition from using Expo Go to developing a development build. source
It’s a React Native library that gives you the same experience as Expo Go, but with your own custom runtime. source
What's an Expo Development Build? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iw8FAUftJFU
https://docs.expo.dev/development/introduction (old, redirects to https://docs.expo.dev/develop/development-builds/introduction/)
Expo Go app is a standard client containing a preset collection of modules. As your project moves toward release, you may find that you need to customize your project, either to reduce your bundle size, to use a module offered by developers in the React Native community, or even to add your own custom native code.
You can think of a development build as your fully customizable version of Expo Go.
(managed workflow) If you add or change the version of any modules in your project that includes native code or make most changes to your app.json, you’ll need to generate a new custom client to be able to run your app.
More information:
- https://blog.expo.dev/expo-dev-client-0-8-0-7116c1945253
- https://medium.com/the-exponent-log/javascript-driven-development-with-custom-runtimes-eda87d574c9d
Type of builds
From https://docs.expo.dev/develop/development-builds/introduction/
A development build of your app is a Debug build that contains the
package. As a production build is for the general public, and a preview build lets your team test your next release, a development build lets developers iterate as quickly as possible. It comes with extensible development tools to develop and test your project.
These builds include developer tools, and they are never submitted to an app store.
- Development
- https://docs.expo.dev/build/eas-json/#development-builds
- For development
- Includes developer tools
- Never submitted to an app store
- Preview
- https://docs.expo.dev/build/eas-json/#preview-builds
- For internal testing
- Doesn't include developer tools
- They are either not signed for distribution on stores (ad hoc or enterprise provisioning on iOS), or are packaged in a way that is not optimal for store deployment (Android APK is best for preview, AAB is best for stores)
- Production
- https://docs.expo.dev/build/eas-json/#production-builds
- For the general public
- Submitted to the store
- Production builds must be installed through their respective app stores. They cannot be installed directly on your Android Emulator or device, or iOS Simulator or device. The only exception to this is if you explicitly set
"buildType": "apk"
for Android on your build profile. However, it is recommended to use aab when submitting to stores, and this is the default configuration. source
expo-dev-client setup / create a development build
Follow https://docs.expo.dev/develop/development-builds/create-a-build/ (old URL: https://docs.expo.dev/development/getting-started/)
You need to have "developmentClient": true
on eas.json
"build": {
"development": {
"developmentClient": true,
"distribution": "internal"
This creates a 'Development build', a Debug build of your project that includes the expo-dev-client. See https://docs.expo.dev/development/getting-started/ and https://docs.expo.dev/development/build/.
To install run expo install expo-dev-client
, then npx pod-install
To create a development build do:
eas build -p ios --profile development
eas build -p android --profile development
After the build is created, install it on your device. Afterwards, to run the app do expo start --dev-client
and click 'i' or 'a', or scan the QR code.
Now you won't have to wait for the native build process again until you change the underlying native code that powers your app.
Config Plugins
When you add a native library (npx expo install expo-camera
), you'll also add a plugin at the app.json
/ app.config.js
/ app.config.ts
plugins: [
'expo-camera', // https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/camera/
'expo-build-properties', // https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/build-properties/
'react-native-health', // From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iw8FAUftJFU&t=182s
In addition to expo eject
, now there is also expo prebuild
See the 2 images in https://blog.expo.dev/expo-managed-workflow-in-2021-d1c9b68aa10
Now to get our managed project into a state where we can build it on EAS Build, we can repurpose the “eject” command to generate and configure the native iOS and Android projects based on the JavaScript app. We call this new command “prebuild”.
Info about prebuild: https://github.com/expo/fyi/blob/main/prebuilding.md
you might need to use a library that doesn't have a config plugin yet, or maybe you need to write some custom native code yourself. For these cases you'll have to manually modify the
folders, doing this means you'll no longer be able to safely rerunexpo prebuild
Eject moves from manged to bare, and it's run once ever.
expo prebuild
is very similar toexpo eject
, the core difference being that eject is intended to be run once, and prebuild can be used multiple times. The eject command assumes that your ios and android folders are modified by hand (bare workflow) and will warn you if they might be overwritten, whereas the prebuild command should only be used when yourios
folders are completely generated and can be regenerated any time (kinda like thenode_modules
More info about prebuild in 'Adding custom native code': https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/customizing/
Expo Application Services. A cloud build service capable of building projects with arbitrary native code.
Install the CLI: npm install -g eas-cli
(npm is recommended instead of yarn)
Login: eas login
Check the current user: eas whoami
EAS Build
Use EXPO_DEBUG=1 eas build
to get more detailed logs and troubleshoot issues source
Replaces expo build:ios
and expo build:android
(classic build, which uses a 'shell app').
Docs: https://docs.expo.dev/build/introduction
expo build’s Final Year: https://blog.expo.dev/turtle-goes-out-to-sea-d334db2a6b60
https://blog.expo.dev/expo-managed-workflow-in-2021-5b887bbf7dbb (part 1)
https://blog.expo.dev/expo-managed-workflow-in-2021-d1c9b68aa10 (part 2)
eas build:configure
→ Generates eas.json. Learn more at https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/build-configuration/
To install an app to an iPhone, first register the device UDID at https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/list.
To register any iOS devices you would like to develop on to your ad hoc provisioning profile use eas device:create
Android build:
eas build -p android --profile preview
- https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/android-builds/
iOS build:
eas build -p ios
- https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/ios-builds/
Android and iOS build: eas build -p all
Build locally (eg to generate an aab file to upload to Google Play):
- https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/local-builds/
eas build --local
- "Uses your own hardware to build your apps locally and EAS to manage your app-signing credentials" (source)
Download a simulator build from EAS servers and run it directly on your emulator/simulator in a snap:
eas build:run
eas build:run -p ios
- https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/simulators/#installing-build-on-the-simulatoreas build:run -p android
- https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/apk/#emulator-virtual-device
Attach a message to distinguish builds with eas build --platform ios --message "JIRA-XYZ PR #650"
You can attach a message to the build by passing --message
to the build command. The message will appear on the website. It comes in handy when you want to leave a note with the purpose of the build for your team. source
Troubleshoot EAS builds
If you get an error when doing eas build
see this: https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/local-builds/#use-local-builds-for-debugging
It's helpful to run the build locally with --local
to see the generated android
and ios
folders which disables cleaning up the working directory after the build process is finished:
EAS_LOCAL_BUILD_SKIP_CLEANUP=1 eas build --platform android --profile testing --local
It will output the folder at the end, even if the build fails:
Skipping cleanup, /var/folders/wz/fw48m6mx50b_hy2w3kj4lvl40000gn/T/eas-build-local-nodejs/9f6700b0-e08a-45c9-a906-a9260b118f43 won't be removed.
Also see https://github.com/expo/eas-build/blob/main/DEVELOPMENT.md
Use eas credentials
to manage (create, download, delete) Android keystores, iOS distribution certificates etc.
Signing Android
From the Expo build process's perspective, there is no difference whether an app is signed with an upload certificate or an app signing key. Either way,
eas build
will generate an APK or AAB signed with the keystore currently associated with your application. If you want to generate an upload keystore manually, you can do that the same way you created your original keystore.
EAS Submit
App store submissions.
The very first Android build must be uploaded manually to Google Play - see https://docs.expo.dev/submit/android/#manually-uploading-your-app-for-the-first. This is not required on App Store (iOS).
After building with eas build
we can do eas submit -p ios
to publish to the App Store.
There is also the option --auto-submit
, so we can do both build and submit, eg: eas build -p ios --profile production --auto-submit
To publish to Google Play we need the service account key, which gives API access: https://github.com/expo/fyi/blob/main/creating-google-service-account.md. Note that the API access menu item appears at the main Google Play console page, not the app-specific page.
EAS Update
Deliver small updates of the non-native parts of your app (JS, styling, image assets...) to your users in between build and submit cycles
EAS Update also doubles as a workflow efficiency tool, streamlining feedback loops by allowing teams to share previews of their projects during PR review. We love being able to push to GitHub, trigger a GitHub action to publish an update, then see it immediately inside of a development build.
Using Expo OTA Updates in your React Native app - Eric Samelson at @ReactEurope 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si909la3rLk
Gotcha from https://docs.expo.dev/eas-update/environment-variables/
When you run
eas update
, any.env
files present will be evaluated when your JavaScript is bundled. AnyEXPO_PUBLIC
variables in your application code will be replaced inline with the corresponding values from your.env
files that are present on the machine from which the update is published, whether that is your local machine or your CI/ CD server.
Run the production app
See https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/development-mode/. There is also a switch in http://localhost:19002/.
expo start --no-dev --minify
# or if we've done a prebuild
expo start --no-dev --minify --dev-client
Environment variables and configuration
Configuration with app.json / app.config.js: https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/configuration/
Environment variables in Expo: https://docs.expo.dev/guides/environment-variables/
Environment variables and secrets: https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/variables/
Also see https://docs.expo.dev/build/eas-json/#environment-variables
For eas build
, doing ENVIRONMENT=prod eas build
does not work, ENVIRONMENT
needs to be defined in eas.json
. However, it works for "other commands that run entirely locally" like eas update
. See https://github.com/expo/fyi/blob/main/eas-config-mismatch.md
According to https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/variables/#can-i-share-environment-variables-defined-in expo start
does not pick variables defined in eas.json:
When you define environment variables on build profiles in eas.json, they will not be available for local development when you run
expo start
(andexpo publish
SDK Versions/Releases
- SDK 42 - 2021-07 - CHANGELOG
- SDK 43 - 2021-10 - CHANGELOG - Replaces Unimodules with Expo modules
- SDK 44 - 2021-12 - CHANGELOG
- SDK 45 - 2022-05
- SDK 46 - 2022-08
- SDK 47 - 2022-11
- SDK 48 - 2023-02 - CHANGELOG
- SDK 49 - 2023-07 - CHANGELOG
- Network debugging in the JS debugger. See https://blog.expo.dev/three-ways-to-use-network-debugging-75fa6118fac6 for more
- SDK 50 - 2024-01 - CHANGELOG
- Highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKFSVUo3AnI
Unimodules → Expo modules
Using Expo modules in a standard React Native app (created with npx react-native init
): https://docs.expo.dev/bare/installing-expo-modules
For module authors: https://blog.expo.dev/a-peek-into-the-upcoming-sweet-expo-module-api-6de6b9aca492
Expo (Native) Modules API
React Native 0.74 removes the Flipper plugin, see https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/04/22/release-0.74#removal-of-flipper-react-native-plugin
See Why you don’t need Flipper in your React Native app … and how to get by without it
With plugin:
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/expo-community-flipper
- https://github.com/jakobo/expo-community-flipper
- https://codedrift.com/thunked/developing-react-native-with-expo-and-flipper and https://blog.expo.dev/developing-react-native-with-expo-and-flipper-8c426bdf995a (is the same)
- Example app: https://github.com/jakobo/expo-cdc-example