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A way to persist state.

A key=value pair along with a number of attributes that control when and where that cookie is used.

Set-Cookie: theme=dark; Max-Age=2600000; Secure


  • Expires=Thu, 21 Oct 2021 07:28:00 GMT
  • Max-Age=2592000
  • Path=/docs
  • Secure
  • HttpOnly
  • SameSite=Strict/Lax/None; Secure

Access restriction

Cookies are bad for you: Improving web application security -

  • MITM attacks can be effectively blocked by using HTTPS to encrypt any traffic that contains sensitive information or authentication credentials. When using HTTPS you will almost certainly want to set the "Secure" flag on any cookies used for authentication. That flag prevents the browser from transmitting cookies over an unencrypted connection.
  • Session hijacking via XSS can be prevented by setting an "HttpOnly" flag on cookies that are used for authentication. The browser will not allow JavaScript code to read or write any cookie that is flagged with "httpOnly".

Secure - Only HTTPS - Prevents MITM

Not sent on HTTP (except on localhost).

http: sites can't set cookies with the Secure attribute.

HttpOnly - Only accessible to the server, not JavaScript - Prevents XSS

Protecting Your Cookies: HttpOnly -

When you tag a cookie with the HttpOnly flag, it tells the browser that this particular cookie should only be accessed by the server. Any attempt to access the cookie from client script is strictly forbidden.

3 possible values: Strict, Lax (default) and None.

If SameSite is not specified it behaves like SameSite=Lax.

SameSite=None requires also Secure, so we always have SameSite=None; Secure.

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks rely on the fact that cookies are attached to any request to a given origin, no matter who initiates the request. For example, if you visit evil.example then it can trigger requests to your-blog.example, and your browser will happily attach the associated cookies. If your blog isn't careful with how it validates those requests then evil.example could trigger actions like deleting posts or adding their own content.

Your promo_shown cookie should only be sent in a first-party context, whereas a session cookie for a widget meant to be embedded on other sites is intentionally there for providing the signed-in state in a third-party context.

The long-term plan is to phase out support for third-party cookies entirely, replacing them with privacy preserving alternatives.

One of the main reasons for the change to SameSite=Lax as the default for cookies was to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). However, insecure HTTP traffic still presents an opportunity for network attackers to tamper with cookies that will then be used on the secure HTTPS version of the site. Creating this additional cross-site boundary between schemes provides further defense against these attacks.

  • First-party cookie or same-site request: when the site on the browser's URL bar matches the site of the request. Eg we are browsing and we request from or
  • Third-party cookie or cross-site request: when the site on the browser's URL bar is different than the site of the request. Eg we are browsing and we request from This happens with an iframe, like an embedded YouTube video.

Note that unlike CORS here subdomains and ports don't matter. See Understanding "same-site" and "same-origin" and Schemeful Same-Site.

First-party or third-party is relative to the user's context; the same cookie can be either first-party or third-party depending on which site the user is on at the time. source

Note that the Public Suffix List changes this behavior. See

Strict vs Lax vs None

Strict: a cookie is only sent to the site where it originated, ie first-party.

A cookie will only be sent if the site for the cookie matches the site currently shown in the browser's URL bar.

Lax: similar so Strict, except that cookies are sent when the user navigates to the cookie's origin site. Only for safe methods (eg GET or HEAD, not POST).

When the user is on your site, then the cookie will be sent with the request as expected. However when following a link into your site, say from another site or via an email from a friend, on that initial request the cookie will not be sent. This is good when you have cookies relating to functionality that will always be behind an initial navigation, such as changing a password or making a purchase, but is too restrictive for promo_shown. That's where SameSite=Lax comes in by allowing the cookie to be sent with these top-level navigations.

Let's revisit the cat article example from above where another site is referencing your content. They make use of your photo of the cat directly and provide a link through to your original article. When the reader is on the other person's blog the cookie will not be sent when the browser requests amazing-cat.png. However when the reader follows the link through to cat.html on your blog, that request will include the cookie. This makes Lax a good choice for cookies affecting the display of the site, with Strict being useful for cookies related to actions your user is taking.

None: cookies are sent on both originating and cross-site requests, but only in secure contexts.

source 1, source 2

What is the difference between SameSite="Lax" and SameSite="Strict"? -

What is difference between SameSite=Lax and SameSite=Strict in receiving cookies? -

User session won't work when navigating to a site if cookie is Strict:

SameSite default behavior change to Lax by Chrome in 2020:

Size limit

4 kB

What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookie's key? -

What are the current cookie limits in modern browsers? -

Sec-Fetch-Site request header

Values are: cross-site, same-origin, same-site and none.

The server can decide whether to allow or reject a request based on this header.

See Understanding "same-site" and "same-origin".



document.cookie = 'banner_closed=1; Max-Age=2600000; Secure'


// If has cookies returns (eg) "consent=1; session_id=k0MDQxMzxODkgxwzMTIwOT; beenHere=1"
// If no cookies returns ""