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Search formulas:


brew update --debug --verbose
brew outdated
brew upgrade
brew cleanup

Stop certain formulae from being updated: brew pin <formula>. To allow that formulae to update again do: brew unpin <formula>.

Install: brew install git

Uninstall: brew uninstall git

List installed: brew list

Doctor: brew doctor <-- check from time to time!

List top-level formulas (ie formulas that no other formulas depend on): brew leaves. At man brew says it "List installed formulae that are not dependencies of another installed formula."


List of commands:

brew install <package>
brew uninstall <package>
brew list --cask
brew outdated --cask
brew upgrade --cask


brew services start postgresql
brew services stop postgresql
brew services restart postgresql
brew services list

If you uninstall the postgresql then you can remove its links with brew services cleanup. source

All commands:

  • cleanup: Get rid of stale services and unused plists
  • list: List all services managed by brew services
  • restart: Gracefully restart selected service
  • run: Run selected service. Don't start at login (nor boot)
  • start: Start selected service
  • stop: Stop selected service

You can find the commands in /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-services/completions/zsh/_brew_services.

yarn issues


This should not be necessary anymore since I've unistalled yarn from Brew and installed it with npm (npm install --global yarn) as recommend at the docs ("It is recommended to install Yarn through the npm package manager").

Fix zsh: command not found: yarn

Run brew doctor. If you see:

Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar.
Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause brews that depend on
those kegs to fail to run properly once built. Run `brew link` on these:

Then run brew link yarn, which may fix the issue. If you then get Error: Could not symlink bin/yarn. Target /usr/local/bin/yarn already exists., then follow the instructions or run brew link --overwrite yarn.

Fix not using the latest yarn version installed by brew

If brew info yarn gives a different (higher) version than yarn -v then run brew link --overwrite yarn. If you then see:

Warning: Already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/yarn/1.22.4
To relink:
brew unlink yarn && brew link yarn

Then run brew unlink yarn && brew link yarn. If you then see Error: Could not symlink bin/yarn. Target /usr/local/bin/yarn already exists., then follow the instructions or run brew link --overwrite yarn.